🟢 What to bring on my expedition?
Expedições Tocantins recommends always having in your luggage some items that will be important to ensure a better experience and avoid worries during your travels.
- Microfiber ultracompact towels
- Swimwear
- Comfortable footwear for short to medium walks
- Sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, and sunglasses
- Personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.)
- Personal use medications
- Camera, GoPro, or waterproof phone case
- Small flashlight
- Wristwatch Water bottle
- Cash for optional activities and crafts
Check out more tips on the following blogs:
A bussola quebrada (The Broken Compass) Terra Adentro (Inland) Revista Ecoturismo (Ecotourism Magazine) Blog Mundi